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Research estimates that 90% of illness is stress related

Here's 5 tips for stress management...

1 / Determine the underlying cause and address it

Is there a chronic stressor in your environment? Try to pin-point your top 3 stressors on a daily basis. Then weed them out. One by one.

Do you potentially have a nutrient deficiency? You can get bloodwork to clarify the situation. Then address them through a more well-balanced wholefoods diet. Get all macronutrients: Complex carbs, good fats and lean protein, and micronutrients: antioxidants and vitamins.

2/ Actively relax

This means making a conscious effort to slow down through breathwork, meditation, gardening, cooking, journaling...

3/ Move your body d a i l y

Exercise burns off stress chemicals and supports your mental wellness and concentration. It can also help with depression. 30min daily is all you need.

4/ Take the right supplements

Multi-vitamins can help to balance the stress response:

Vitamin-C: is necessary for...

the immune system,

- growth, development and repair of all body tissues,

- formation of collagen,

- absorption of iron,

- maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth.

B12: helps keep your body's blood and nerve cells healthy and helps make DNA ,

Zinc: helps immune function, metabolism, and against inflammation.

Adaptogens (Ashwaganda): helps with concentration, stamina and mood,

Panthothenic acid (B5): helps convert food into energy,

Magnesium: is crucial for optimal body function, performance and helps to calm nerves.

5/ Change your beliefs

Examine your beliefs, attitudes, reactions and assumptions. Minimize your negative influences and focus what you'd like more of. Eliminate gossip and toxic social media that isn't serving you.

Some times you'll stumble, others you'll fall... but what matters the most is that you don't give up. At the end of the day we're all just human, but what sets us apart is how we deal with our downfalls.

So get up; keep going. You're doing just great !

If you're looking for extra support and help with your wellness goals, please feel free to get in touch here. Let's get talking :-)

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